Beckers of the Future

"In my field of paper flowers, And candy clouds of lullaby, I lie inside myself for hours, And watch my purple sky fly over me!!" --Evenesence

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

To Jump or to Skunk

K, so this may not be the newest of news, but it is still there. what?

I think that i must live in the wilderness house of Thornhill!! I was out with my parents in late June gardening and such...when we found a familly of rabbits living in our front garden. To this day we still see them on our yard and the mommy just sits and stares at us every time we go in or out...freakish!! But the babbies are so cute!!! Bunnies!!

Also the next day my mom and i went for a late night stroll down our street. It was quite enjoyable untill I suddenly freaked...very quitly i might add. I stopped and also stopped my mom because there was a very cautious skunk standing 4ish yards from us. measuring yards, not houses. We snuck onto the yard we were next to and cut accross near the doors of the last 5 remaining houses and snuck into ours quickly. YUCK!!!! And a few days later my brothers dog got spraid by it in our yard...stinking up the house? YES!!!

Also My Brother Tim got a snake...a not so nice kind!!!
It is a Milk snake...anywho we looked at it for a while and such, but then it got loose after a few days and now it lives under our front steps!! Dude, Kinda Weird, and it definately still lives there. Tim wants it back, I just don't want it at the front door!!

So yes, bunnies, skunks, and snakes all in my yard!!! I'm gonna miss this house!!


  • At Saturday, July 30, 2005 1:27:00 a.m., Blogger L said…

    some ducks come by my house every spring/fall.

    quitly? quietly? or are you quiting something? :P ly.

    p.s. i like when you read my blog cuz it makes me feel likes you care...more than some others...and i know you care and all, but it makes me feel better when you read my blog.

    snake...remember that one that we found when we were taking that walk around the church the other day? it was dead! and i kicked it. and comments on pages at night. man that's funny.

  • At Saturday, July 30, 2005 2:26:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The dead snake comments on pages at night? Wow. Is the internet like, snake purgatory or something?

    And hey I live just down the street-how come I don't get bunnies? Maybe it's cause I don't go out to the backyard anymore...

    Ahhh snake purgatory-if only my Catholic friend could see that-she'd kill me-it would be great. Then I'd get to go straight to Heaven...


  • At Sunday, July 31, 2005 1:51:00 a.m., Blogger L said…

    can i add,??? that this post was not even made until july 29th.??? yes, that's right, the date on this post is completely false. and to add injury to insult this was taken from a post that originated on JUNE 26th. come on beck, you need new material.


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