Is there a POINT??
Is there a point? I really want to know.
A point to your blogging or mine?
A point to the yellow traffic light being called Amber?
...who is AMBER anyways? The traffic light inventors girlfriend? Long-lost lover...or highschool sweetheart? or maybe a little sister...maybe the inventor was a girl in the first place and that IS her name...
A point to the word Weird?
...does weird even exist? if everyone is weird(and I'm sure that we have all experienced being called that at least once) then is everyone normal...or is what we think is normal actually the weird thing?
A point to Rebellion?
...seriously, if you are resisting one normality for another than your not really doing anything different...if you leave one kind of clone(like a parent or leader) for another(like punks, friends, drugs, you pick) then you are still following the crowd...there isn't anything that others haven't already done...and so then are you actually rebelling or are you just switching your alliances?
A point to my NOT wanting a blog?
...was there even a reason for my not wanting this in the first place...was there a genuine meaning? Was it just the fact that i was wanting to be unique, and go against the tide...or flow(this special word has been brought to you in honour of Bethanee Critchley) ...was i thinking or just not thinking...did i just want to argue?? if you know the answer please comment...or if you think you know that is...
A point to Locking you home...or lack there of?
...if you don't lock your home than you are showing you have total faith in God and are taking a step of faith...yet, your not using wisdom...if you do lock it then you are saying you don't fully trust God with your house, or even that all you have is totally His and you are not bound by earthly possessions...yet you are being a good steward of what he has given you charge lock or no lock?? does it even matter?
A point to a pencil?
...Damb, there is a point, it's the lead...Dang it...
"Holy Long John Silver Batman she's done!!!"
At Friday, April 15, 2005 5:19:00 p.m.,
L said…
Beck, that thing I just said, well pretend I didn't say it, but it's so Jason and Gillian all over again. Why don't you have a new post yet? Come on Beck. You're leaving me hanging here.
At Saturday, April 23, 2005 9:42:00 p.m.,
Beckers said…
Well, I won't be remembering openly what you said, and You are so right about the Lilly and J-eh thingy!! I can officially say that i don't have a new post because we lost the internet due to $Money$!! But it will be back, and so will my postings...
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