Beckers of the Future

"In my field of paper flowers, And candy clouds of lullaby, I lie inside myself for hours, And watch my purple sky fly over me!!" --Evenesence

Sunday, May 29, 2005

First Time Coming...

Well, today I had the joy of being able to take my little niece to church with me!! It was so freakin exciting!! I got to totaly take care of her and make all of my friends say hi, and i just totaly loved it!! Sometimes I find that I can't love her any more than i already do...but then I prove myself wrong... YES...I may be obsessed with my love for her...but you just try being with her for as long as I am and not falling in love with her! She is so cut...

Something to speak of is this: First thing I did was let her sleep for a bit and then I changed her and I fed her and burped her and got her all ready to be very happy...only to have my Daddy come over and use his Boompa possition to totaly take her for worship...I was like, Dude...I totaly just finished getting her totaly content...and he had her for all of worship...I got her back after she went back to sleep...but, I didn't really mind! I'm thinking it was just too cute to see my Daddy with his little Grandbaby walking and dancing around in our church service!! I liked it alot in all honesty...

I just started over again and when she woke up i repeated her rutine and got her all happy again for the ending of the service...she was jumping and standing and flying...with my help...but she can do the first two things mostly on her own...

It would be so cool if she could fly wouldn't it? Totally awesome!! Like this...or not! Who knows how my mind's just fun is all!!


Sunday, May 15, 2005

Off with Dorothy!!

Well, we are off to Kansas City...see Y'all on Friday...long drive, too fun!!!

Don't worry, Bethany and I can handle the green one...we're tight with the don't worry about us, K?

Driving alone, and eating much
icecream...and drinking much Limeaide...Gotsta love it!!!

Anyways now we are gone...
15.5 hour drive, so yes...goodnight to you all!!

"there's no place like home!!!"

Saturday, May 14, 2005

LEGO Rules the World!!

You so need to check this out!!!

LEGO is taking over completely!!

I love LEGO...I remember playing with LEGO when I was little!

LEGO uses Imagination...encourage those kids brains to be used well...

Anyways...the Link you need to see!!

This is my personal FAVORITE! LEGO friend...just think, you can see him there all night long...watching you like a presence that never leaves you!!

What is up with the blood and gore...and other stuff too??

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Who did I think I was?

Do you ever find yourself getting all ready to do something and being all excited about it...and then all of a sudden reality steps in, and you realize that you can't even do it? Like there is no way you can afford it, or handle it, or even realistically see yourself going through with it.

This is one of the wonderful things that has happened to me yesterday! I was planning this
trip to a place i love so much, but have never gotten to go to. Then, I was at cell, and we were doing some of the things that i am going to be doing the whole time I'm away...I hated it!!(I'm just so not into praying for signs and wonders on the streets of TO...I just don't know why, but I'm like bored when it starts...I used to love it.) I wanted to leave, and wait 'till they were done and could drive me back...I then began to wonder...if i don't want to be in this for 1 hour then what the heck am i gonna do for 4 days of it?? And REALITY set back in!!

Who was I thinking I was, that I would still want to be there... But, it wasn't my idea, it was God's he clearly spoke to me that I was to drive there this month and that I was to bring art stuff and
rebuild my artistic side all over again! So, what the heck was He thinking? Who does the think I am...i guess i am who he thinks i reality...but I suppose I'm just not seeing it right now.

And the money, it's growing every day! It's costing way more than I was planning for, it's constantly exceeding my posabilities. I have the money, it's just that I'm saiving it for school next year. if God's said go and keeps making things work so it's even possible for me to go, then why isn't He making it so that I can afford it? I just really really would love His help in this right now...

It so sucks that I'm not at all excited anymore!! It was so cool and then I remembered the real me...I'm still trying to get there with all that is inme, because I really want to be faithful in going where God says when God says... So I'll keep pressing on.... Even if it sucks...

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Beautiful Niece...Lillee

I would just like to Say Happy 2 Month Birthday to my Niece...and Share some of her Beauty with you all!!!
I love her to Many Pieces!!!

Friday, May 06, 2005

Bethany on Google

So I typed in Bethany on google, Bethanee thought I'd find a ton of hot chicks...but this is what came up!! I'm not sure if it is a blue elephant or an orange butterfly!! Do tell what kind of Creature she has become!

Oh Bethany I lover you muchly!!! Fun times...try searching Critchley...or great big God!!! Who knows what you will find...

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

~Unclaimed Fries~

Can I just say that I was at church all day today, and was for sure getting board at like 12ish...did some errands for my mommy...then I was sitting at the computer just playing some games when Jan invited me to join them in a trip to that changed my whole day!!!

I was so going anywhere would be an improvement.

We get there and then Mark orders and gets his extras...i.e. napkins, katsup, fork...and 2 straws. As Jan finishes ordering Mark has the two straws balancing behind his ears...Jan really doesn't like it and says there is no way she is going to use that...Mark points out the fact that they are in paper wrappers and Jan precedes to ask me to explain to him just how special and corky she is.

As they are having this discussion the Lady (lets call her Wendy...I think it is fitting) has put Jan's fries in a bag and is waiting for the burger...then she begins to get the next person's stuff ready...(our order was to go, and the next guy's was 'for hear') So Wendy puts the man's fries on his tray...

Jan inquires about her order being ready yet, and Wendy shares the delay of the Jan reaches out to grab some the tray...

I'm like ahh..."those aren't yours." and Jan's like "what?" and I'm like oops...

She turns to the man behind us and says, "I touched your fries, I'm sorry..."

He just stares at us like we are total freaks and then Wendy (with a similar look) is like don't worry...and she places the second large fries in Jan's bag...dude I was like "hay I'll take 'em." Mark's like "she just put them in your bag..."

So Jan pulls them out and hands them to me...She tells Wendy that she is "so sorry" as she was passing by and then says "Beck's not."

We step out of the doors to be run over by a pack of Mennonite people and then we get in the car as Jan discusses how it isn't fair that the guys look the same as us, but the woman all have to wear the ugly clothes..."just keep those woman down!!" as she is disgusted with it's unfairness...

Then we all get WAY distracted by a van COVERED in pennies!!! I mean covered...half of it was turning green with the copper rust!! It was so cool!

Thank you Jan for the unclaimed fries...they were filling!!!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

How To Prepare Chicken...

A waiter asks a man, “May I take your order, sir?”

“Yes,” the man replies. “I’m just wondering, exactly how do you prepare your chickens?”

“Nothing special, sir. We just tell them straight out that they’re going to die.”

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Are you picking up what I'm putting down?

So, there is a show that I am passionate about, and the most incredible thing happened.

Warrick...who is usually not that interesting...said a most perfect line, which should have been said by Gil Grissom, because he says most of the good..."or bad"...lines!!

Anyways, there we were (bethany of the critchley origin and myself) in my room in the dark, as we like it to be for the bestest of shows, at like 1:30 am...engrossed by the show. The new episode! (beth was taken by greg, and I just love to watch Catherine!! we love them both though, don't get me wrong...)

When out of nowhere Warrick was going nuts with his overwhelming speach to greg about all the things he is doing wrong and how he should be more organized like warrick is when the most brilliant of sentances came out of his mouth...."Are you picking up what I'm putting down?"

I imidiately turned to bethany and said i was so going to steal that phrase and blog about it...then she decided it was to be a race and she was going to get to it first...but clearly, She was wrong!!..."or was she wronged?" as Grissom would say.