Beckers of the Future

"In my field of paper flowers, And candy clouds of lullaby, I lie inside myself for hours, And watch my purple sky fly over me!!" --Evenesence

Saturday, April 30, 2005

What are you made of ?

What is the original design and outline of you? The DNA, the graph that first appeared in God's mind before you were sappy!!

So not me...

But this is!!

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Look What I Can Do...

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

ONIONS!!...What else has Layers?? WHY?

A wedding cake has many layers, right? at least most do!!

Did you know that when a couple get married they are supposed to have the top layer made of a Friut Cake type recipee...?

They are to take the WHOLE top layer off of the cake and then they feeze it...

For those of you who have no idea where this is going: GUESS WHAT THEY DO NEXT?? They Take it out and thaw it on their 1st anniversary...

NEXT?? That is correct:

One year old cake that never tasted good in the first place. They defile their First Anniversary (Which you only get to have ONCE, i might add) with a psych..and twisted
OLD richual (probably satanic...or superstitious anyways) that is gross and means nothing to them in the first place!!

So not worth it, in my oppinion....

My wedding cake is going to be cupcakes made by children...or a fancy DELISIOUS large one...or mabe it will be like 20 different kinds that you pick from...or better yet...POT-LUCK DESSERTS!!!!

Who cares... just no old fruit cake crap that i use as a freezer block for 365 most wonderful days of my life, only to be ruined by the awefull idea that was probably meant for insurance that you would at least have a dessert that the
WOMAN (barefoot and prego in the kitchen) didn't need to slave over all day!!!

Yup, no one-tenth of a decade old excuse for food for me.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

$$ If you've got the Moola $$

How much do I hate money? Well, that is a question of un-ending response!!

In this lovely world we are controlled by a thing we know and the
cha-ching$?? But, what is up with it.

K, so my parents are incredible people who have been faithful to God and His calls for them as long as I've been alive!! And yet they find themselves in thousands...I'm talking like over 30,000 $Dollars$ in debt. And that is only our bills and taxes!! What is up with that? And this woman that I have known most of my life, who uses her money for things like excessive shopping, and things like lottery tickets and whatever!! And she is continually getting promotions and bonuses and all sorts of financial blessings!! And then there are the people who are missionaries, and they actually do get the money that they need from God.

So my parents became missionaries in 1998, and we came here to Toronto to work at the
Scott Mission downtown, and we did. Much has happened since then and they have been so faithful...I've seen it, and yet we can't afford our house, car, gas, electricity, phone, heat, or food. I felt God telling me to start tithing to my parents last month because of how much they have poured into me, and I knew he wanted me to give it to them in Gift cards for the Superstore around the corner from our house. This week I found out that they have so little money that they couldn't afford to buy food, I then realized why God had been directing me in that direction!

This isn't for people to feel sorry for me, or for them to think we are in the poor category...we aren't! We have a beautiful house in a nice neighbourhood, and a good car
...etc...etc. This is just to comment on the fact that I would think that I do not deserve the good prosperity that I have as much as they do, and yet I am the one who has it!!

So what is up with money? Why do some get it and others not? Why is it so stressful when you are running out? How are we supposed to account for the old retired people who are on fixed pensions when the cost of living goes up every year? It's not like their costs go down, it's the opposite!! With all the medical and house care they need their costs go up and so does the cost of those costs, and yet the check that comes in the mail for them is fixed and never changes!! Aren't we supposed to care for our elders?

I seriously just want to comment that I hate
money, and that we can never escape the needing of it!! We will always need it, and will always be bound by that need in order to survive, but that is what sucks the most! That even though we kno it is ruling over us, we cannot leave it in the dust...unless we are simply walking in the wilderness and fending for ourselves on an Island or something...but even then, I'm not sure there would be enough dust...unless there is a chunk of desert there and you have money on one side and then you begin to run really really fast...then it might work!!

Anyways...this is just a ...rambling... of all that's in my head...MASTER MIND!!


Friday, April 08, 2005

Is there a POINT??

Is there a point? I really want to know.

A point to your blogging or mine?

A point to the yellow traffic light being called Amber?
...who is AMBER anyways? The traffic light inventors girlfriend? Long-lost lover...or highschool sweetheart? or maybe a little sister...maybe the inventor was a girl in the first place and that IS her name...

A point to the word Weird?
...does weird even exist? if everyone is weird(and I'm sure that we have all experienced being called that at least once) then is everyone normal...or is what we think is normal actually the weird thing?

A point to Rebellion?
...seriously, if you are resisting one normality for another than your not really doing anything different...if you leave one kind of clone(like a parent or leader) for another(like punks, friends, drugs, you pick) then you are still following the crowd...there isn't anything that others haven't already done...and so then are you actually rebelling or are you just switching your alliances?

A point to my NOT wanting a blog?
...was there even a reason for my not wanting this in the first place...was there a genuine meaning? Was it just the fact that i was wanting to be unique, and go against the tide...or flow(this special word has been brought to you in honour of Bethanee Critchley) ...was i thinking or just not thinking...did i just want to argue?? if you know the answer please comment...or if you think you know that is...

A point to Locking you home...or lack there of?
...if you don't lock your home than you are showing you have total faith in God and are taking a step of faith...yet, your not using wisdom...if you do lock it then you are saying you don't fully trust God with your house, or even that all you have is totally His and you are not bound by earthly possessions...yet you are being a good steward of what he has given you charge lock or no lock?? does it even matter?

A point to a pencil?
...Damb, there is a point, it's the lead...Dang it...

"Holy Long John Silver Batman she's done!!!"