Hot dogs @ IKEA!!!
GET ONE NOW!!!!...I did!
K, so my parents and I are moving to a new house!! We are going to live in Brampton in the "G" section...Queen(Hwy 7) and Torbram. Should be cool, it's close to the big city center.
Anywho, I bought this new bed for my new very small room! I love IKEA...especially the hot dogs at the end...and the bottomless pop! Storage in bed is good since my room is like 10'x13' so it's like half the size of my old room. And my parents have to move a three floor house with lots of storage to a one floor with no storage. So we are all making tons of sacrifices!!! Well actually we are all getting rid of all the stuff we don't need, but also some of the stuff that is still close to our hearts!
It's really good for my parents to have a house they can afford and also take care of. It will make it much easier on me when I eventually leave their covering and head out on my due due time!! But for now i have the pleasure of helping them settle into a nice place and i get to bless them with all i can!!! I love them, after all they have cared for me longer than any othe human beings!!!
Dallas is my conscience, and he is desirring to be known by the outer world!!! So I'm going to allow you all to hear what he has to bring to your lives...if you let it, it will change you! "You all need to invest in an algae model!"