This is my Grannie!! (Pearl Webster, 84) She past away last friday. So life has been difficult lately. I went to the funeral dispite what i felt led to do...but i did it mearly to honour my parents there. That's not to try to promote me as a selfless honouring daughter...meerly to state that i didn't want to be there. I was in the middle of writing my Grannie a leter when she left us. I had been working on it for a year. There were many hours that went into it...and i never got to send it to her! I used to be very close to my Grannie, but in the last few years i've gotten so busy, and so phocused on finding me...i lost track of the other people who are a huge part of who i am today. I'm sorry for that Grannie. I wanted to spend all day yesturday at a park just trying to finish that letter and tell her everything that i remember about us together... I still want to do it, and i pray I'll still get that chance.
My Grannie was the kind of person who appreciated everyone. She loved so deeply. She even cared enough for the animals to make sandwiches and then feed them to the birds. She was never without a cat, and she was always there to help even the chipmunks find their dinner. She always had pickles!! and OLIVES!!! one thing which has become a great passion in the food category for me. She did puzzles and crafts with me since i can remember. She didn't like her nose, but loved mine...funny thing is, they are the same. I see alot of her in my life, and i see alot in her that I want to be. I loved my Grannie!! I miss her!